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Import Shipments

* This page is for internal Charter Communications use only. Charter Communications vendors are responsible for importing all goods, and must always provide a domestic US shipping location when tendering freight to XPO LOGISTICS *

How to Schedule a Pickup 

EMAIL: For questions, email charter@rxo.com

PHONE:  704-594-3456

Required Information

  • Pickup address

  • Delivery address

  • Shipment Value

  • Charter PO#

  • Charter Line # (when applicable)

  • Location Pick up number

  • Pallet Count/Weight/Dims

  • Shipment Freight Class

  • Ready time / close time

  • Charter requested arrival time

**All Pick up requests call/email should be made at least 24 hours prior to pick up to allow scheduling of equipment. Failure to do so may jeopardize your pick up**


Shipping Compliance 

  • RXO Logistics is approved to schedule transportation for Charter Communications

  • Unauthorized use of any other logistics provider will result in rejection of invoice and redirection to pick up location

  • Vendors who change shipping locations long term must notify Charter of new location to avoid freight chargebacks

  • All freight is shipper load and count

NOTICE: TransportGistics authorizes you to use RoutingGuides.com solely to obtain carrier assignments and rules for shipments tendered by or on behalf of you  and for no other purpose. Any other use of RoutingGuides.com and the information contained hereon is strictly prohibited.

last updated: 03/10/2025